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  /  EBRD, Toktogul Water Sub-Project – Feasibility Study

EBRD, Toktogul Water Sub-Project - Feasibility Study

The Project is aimed to create inclusion impact on three levels: a significant increase of  water connections in relation to the total population in Toktogul; continuous 24 hour supply for all connected households; and an increase of the quality of water at the end-user point for all connected households. The Feasibility Study should support the assessment of the potential inclusion element of the Project by providing a baseline against relevant indicators and by developing a methodology to monitor progress throughout the project delivery and evaluation phases.

The project objective is to identify and establish a baseline for assessing and monitoring potential inclusion impact in relation to increased number of water and wastewater connections, improved frequency of water delivery, and improvements in water quality at household level, and related health and economic benefits.

Baseline study (Organizational and Institutional review, Social, Environmental, Financial and Technical assessment),

Priority investment programme (PIP) (engineering and financial part),

Long-term investment programme (LTIP) (engineering and financial part),

Environmental and Social Action Plan,

Environmental and Social Analysis,

Stakeholder engagement plan,

Financial analysis (trading result of water company, assets and liabilities, noncurrent assets).

Location of the assignment: Toktogul, Kyrgyz Republic
Partner: Ircon, s.r.o., Sweco Hydroprojekt (Czech Republic)
Client: Toktogul Water Company
Duration of the assignment: 04/2015 – 04/2016
Osh Solid Waste Project – New Environmental and Social Assessment for EBRD