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  /  Preparation of Feasibility Study and Preliminary Designs for Water Supply Systems in the regions of Otuz-Adyr and Gulbaar villages, Osh oblast, ARIS

Preparation of Feasibility Study and Preliminary Designs for Water Supply Systems in the regions of Otuz-Adyr and Gulbaar villages, Osh oblast, ARIS

The program for water supply and sanitation improvements in the rural areas currently consists of two water supply and sanitation projects that are together informally titled “Taza-Suu”. These are the Sustainable Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Development Project (SRWSSDP), financed by the World Bank, and the Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Improvement Project (RWSSIP), financed by the Islamic Development Bank. The development objective of the above projects is to assist the Kyrgyz Republic in (i) improving access to and quality of water supply services in the target rural communities, (ii) improving sanitation services, and (iii) strengthening capacity of institutions in the water supply and sanitation sector.

The specific objectives of this assignment are to:

  • Prepare feasibility study (FS) for rehabilitation and construction of new water supply systems for both Gulbaar and Otuz-Adyr subprojects (inclusive of the list of additional villages) that covers a comprehensive analysis of all alternatives for sources for water supply and presents the most feasible options from financial, economic, technical and institutional aspects.
  • Upon the result of the options analysis, prepare preliminary designs and cost estimates for selected options required investments to cover all villages in the proposed solution, suitable for dividing to phases of investments, recognizing the priority for the original list of villages of Otuz-Adyr and Gulbaar subprojects.
  • As part of the feasibility study, carry out a general environmental and social risk assessment in accordance with the WB safeguards policy. More detailed assessment will be carried in the future detailed design stage.
  • Existing Situation Analysis and initial Option analysis in all subproject villages;
  • Feasibility Study and brief Social and Environment Risk Assessment, including Technical, Economic and Financial Feasibility and selection of the most suitable option (with potential phasing of investment)
  • Preliminary design report for the proposed option


Location of the assignment: Otuz-Adyr and Gulbaar villages, Osh oblast, Kyrgyz Republic
Cooperating companies: K.S. Solutions LLC, KOCKS Consult GmbH (Germany)
Implementing agency: ARIS (Community Development and Investment Agency)

Duration of the assignment: 28 weeks

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