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  /  EBRD, Karakol Water Sub-Project – PIU Support including Engineering, Design and Contracts Supervision

EBRD, Karakol Water Sub-Project - PIU Support including Engineering, Design and Contracts Supervision

In 2015, the City approached the Bank with a request to finance the rehabilitation of the water supply and selected wastewater improvements in the City.

The Project interventions focus on:

  • The rehabilitation of the water supply system and selected wastewater improvements;
  • The improvement of the revenue basis by using consumption based tariffs for a more efficient use of drinking water;
  • The improvement of the overall efficiency of the company, including billing and collection rates;
  • The improvement of the financial and operational management

The project objective is to assist the Company in the implementation of the project, including design, all aspects of procurement and disbursement, and environmental and social (E&S) requirements.

Overall project management support as required,

Design the works and prepare technical specifications for goods/works,

Arrangement of preparation of the prequalification, if any, and tender documents for procurement of works and goods,

Arrangement of the tendering procedure for works and goods, including evaluation of tenders and drafting tender evaluation reports,

Administration of contract implementation including works supervision or assisting with works supervision,

Arrangement of timely disbursements under the contracts.

Location: Karakol, Kyrgyz Republic
Partner: Stantec Mühendislik ve Müşavirlik Ltd. Şti. (Turkey)
Client: Karakol Water Company                                                                    Duration of the assignment: 38 months (03/2021 – ongoing)


Osh Solid Waste Project – New Environmental and Social Assessment for EBRD